Re-Zoning Southshore- Life on the Edge

A time for some reflection, eighteen months after the first ugly earthquake rocked the unsuspecting city of Christchurch. The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) have announced its decision about the land on the western edge of Southshore spit, that keeps slipping into the estuary with each successive aftershock. It has been orange-zoned for over a year, 400 families waiting- stop-go, stop-go, who knows? Well now we do know, 198 houses along the estuary edge have been re-zoned red including Myn-Y-Mor at number 146B. So we will have to leave this much-loved place, akin to paradise, and let it return to nature. In years to come there will be native bush and walking tracks and maybe a bench where once the kitchen stood. And some young couple will sit looking out over this amazing estuary, alive with birds, and imagine what it would be like to live in a house just here.  Well we have had that privilege, and still have it for a little while longer. When that time comes when we are sitting in the rocking chair on the verandah, playing back the video in our minds, we will recall this place.